Engineered synthetic microbial communities comprise (multiple) defined species that are functionally interlinked using rationally engineered metabolic, genetic and physical interactions. The resulting systems provide catalytic activities of industrial value or in situ delivery of bioactive molecules.
Design principles in bacterial biofilm formation for synbio applications using interdisciplinary approaches including modelling and quantitative time-lapse imaging. WebsiteMicrobial diversity, genetics and biochemistry of microorganisms involved in methylated amine and quaternary amine metabolism in the human body and terrestrial and marine ecosystems. WebsiteMicrobial interactions occurring between photosynthetic and heterotrophic marine microbes: culture physiology; molecular pathways; secreted products. WebsiteGut microbiology, quaternary amine metabolism, microbial communities, genetics. WebsiteFundamentals of microbial ecology, including microbial community structure and function. Study of microbial communities involved in global biogeochemical cycling. WebsiteMicrobial biotech, microbial communities, metagenomics, sulfur cycling, degradation of volatile sulfur compounds, biodegradation of aromatic compounds, methylotrophs. WebsiteCo-Director | Theme Lead | SynBio CDT Associate Director
Engineering signaling and metabolic systems, including microbial communities for anaerobic digestion. Website