WISB has already invested RC-UK funding to build
an interdisciplinary community of more than 50
synthetic biology researchers in Warwick.

In the second phase of our strategy we will expand
synthetic biology support to include an even bigger

Applications are invited from University of Warwick
researchers, who are not already members of WISB, for
small grants (up to £5000) to help kick-start new
synthetic biology research projects. Proposals should be
submitted on our application form,  and will be
evaluated by the WISB Management Board. It may be
advantageous, at least in some cases, for these
SynBio projects to be co-supervised by a member of WISB

Successful applicants may be granted access to the
WISB Research Technology Facility if this is required
for the proposed research.

Please contact Graham Jones for more information.

WISB has been funded by the above bodies